【募集!Participants Wanted !!】多文化交流会~ブラインドサッカー®×フットサル/Blind Soccer®× Futsal~

見えないという暗闇の中で、感覚を研ぎ澄ませ、声や音、仲間を信じ、想像力を働かせ、ピッチを自由に駆け巡ることができるのが「ブラインドサッカー®」の魅力です。ぜひ、一度ブラインドサッカー®を体験してみませんか? ブラインドサッカー®体験の後は、みんなでフットサルをやります。 様々な国籍の方の参加をお待ちしています!
Have you ever heard of “blind soccer®”? Blind soccer® is a game played by visually impaired players and was invented based on futsal. The appeal of “blind soccer” is that in the darkness of not being able to see, you can sharpen your senses, trust the voices, sounds, and friends, use your imagination, and run freely around the pitch.Why don’t you try “Blind Soccer®“? We will also play futsal after “Blind Soccer®“. We welcome people of all nationalities to join us!







©Haruo.Wanibe/JBFA                              ©Haruo.Wanibe/JBFA

※写真(しゃしん)はイメージです。/Photo is for illustrative purposes only.

▼ 場所/Venue

ふれあいはすぬま体育館(〒144-0051 大田区西蒲田三丁目19番1号)
Fureaihasunuma Gymnasium (Ota-ku, Nishikamata  3-19-1)
7~8 minutes’ walk from “Hasunuma Station” of “Tokyu Ikegami Line” 

MAP here

*You can come to the venue by bicycle. There is bicycle parking. 

▼ 日時/Date and Time

◆Date:2025年3月23日(日)/ March 23(Sun), 2025 
9:30 ブラインドサッカー®を始めます/ Beginning of Blind Soccer® 
※9:15 会場集合・受付・更衣室で着替//Meet at 9:15・Reception starts・Change clothes in the changing room
11:30  ブラインドサッカー®終わり / End of Blind Soccer® 
11:45 フットサルを始めます/ Beginning of Futsal 
12:45 フットサル終わり/ End of Futsal 
※ブラインドサッカーのみの参加はOKです。Blind soccerⓇ-only participation is allowed.
※フットサルのみの参加はできません。Futsal-only participation is not allowed.

▼ 対象/Target

Japanese and foreign young people who live, work or study in Ota City (15~29 years old)
*国籍や性別に関係なく参加できます。日本語ができなくても問題ありません。/Let’s break down the barriers of nationality and language. You don’t have to understand Japanese for participation!
※ブラインドサッカーのみの参加はOKです。Blind soccerⓇ-only participation is allowed.
※フットサルのみの参加はできません。Futsal-only participation is not allowed.

▼ 料金/Fee

0円 (無料)
¥0 (free)

▼ 持ち物/What to bring

・室内用の靴/Indoor shoes
・運動しやすい服/Clothes that are easy to exercise in

▼ 注意事項/Notes

The participants need to follow our personnel’s instruction.

Please ensure you have clothes which are easy to move in (sweats/sports attire) and appropriate shoes (trainers/sneakers).

There are lockers and changing areas available at the venue.Please take care of your own valuables. GOCA will not be responsible for any valuables that go missing. 

If there are too many applications, a lottery will be held.

We take a photo during playing. Photographs taken may be used to introduce GOCA, be published in public relations publications, and may be used extensively as examples of “International City Ota” initiatives in Ota City. Please let us know in advance if you are concerned about your image being reflected in the photos.



Apply here


Đăng ký

Deadline: March 9th (Sun) 

一般財団法人 国際都市おおた協会(GOCA)
Tel: 03-6410-7981
Fax: 03-6410-7982
Mail: info@ota-goca.or.jp
